mardi 8 avril 2014

Let's clarify terms

Several terms are referring to connections between transports. Let's focus on three one : multimodal, intermodal and comodal.

Comodality might be the term that less people known, it was introduce in 2006 by the European Comission. It refers to all kind of transportation modes and their ability to be efficient together in order to use resources in an optimal and sustainable way. It's the larger of the three notion exposed here, hence it does take in consideration the fact that modes of transportation are used combined or isolated.
"Combined or isolated", how could comodality be isolated would you said ? Well let's take an example to illustrate this paradox : imagine you have to go to the hairdresser, to reach it you need to take one bus, as usually when you are moving into the city you are using subway, that's what isolated used of transportation in a comodal way is. On the other hand, combined comodality is the use of at least two different modes of transportation between A and B.

Combined comodality  definition is close to the notion of intemodality, which is the combination of several modes of transportation on the same journey.

So what is left to define multimodality ? Well, multimodal refers to resources available on one road, between two places. To be clear, if I want to go from Paris to London, what are my choices ? Rail or air, so this is a multimodal road. In opposition, if I want to go from one small city to another, it's quite sure the only way will be the road, so this is not multimodal.

Those notions all include the need of interconnections between transportation operators, here again we can speak about two different kind of interconnection : by node or flew.
Interconnection by node is when connections are made on the same place between at least two modes of transportation. Interconnection by flew go a bit further, it is build on a multitude of interconnections between transportation, very often an infrastructural node plus the imbrication of different networks and all their resources. As an example you can check Karlsruhe tramway, where you can see a clearly every connections.

Hope we made it a clear, and to read your feed backs soon

jeudi 3 avril 2014

What's multimodal in transportation for you ?

Are you able to put a clear definition on the word "mutlimodal" ? What do you think it involves to create a smooth multimodal network ? The aim of such transformation in the way of traveling is naturally to provide costumers a better experience during their journey, thus, most of the train stations, airports or harbors existing have to rethink their organization, do you those big investments can occurs one day ?
We are looking forwards to know you're vision on the subject, and soon we will add an article about multimodal.

Welcome in Milanamos world !

Milanamos team's is happy to start this blog to share information with you but mostly get your feedback on it.
Milanamos develop software for transportation industry based in the French IT Valley of Sophia Antipolis, our first product is PlanetOptim.
Our aim is to develop multimodal across transport, and our project have been rewards from the Worldwide Innovation Challenge thanks to the great potential of development it shows already.
This blog will focus on transportation innovation (rail, aircraft, bus, boat... All kind a transportation mode), as well as business issues met in this industry, like planification, optimization, connection, costumer satisfaction... But also on political world we are gravitating on and its evolution.

Feel free to comment, share or propose anything.

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Looking forwards to reading you.

Best regards,
Milanamos Team's